Typewolf is a design gallery that identifies the fonts used in the design. Our goal is to serve as a one-stop resource for designers seeking typographic inspiration for the modern web.
Austin, TX
Lightspeed opened a new office in Austin and I got the chance to visit for a week. It’s a cool city with a fun nightlife, and probably the best meat I had in my life. Austin, I’m coming back next year!
Las Vegas, NV
After five years I came back to Vegas and I had the same old feelings. It can be really fun, it can be really expensive, and it is always overwhelming. I couldn’t stand all those lights, noises and people for more than two or three days, but hey, if you...
Death to bullshit
Tons of books, articles, photos, tweets, music, movies… Yes, we are surrounded by an overload of information, noise and crap. And it’s getting worse, way worse. If you are a creator, please don’t be part of that huge pile of crap. Be passionate about your work and create something useful....
Style Tiles
Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
New York City Transit Authority Graphics Standards Manual
Site dedicated to serve as an archival record of a first edition NYCTA Graphics Standards Manual designed by Massimo Vignelli and Bob Noorda.
Eames Timeline
This is a scrolling timeline about Charles & Ray Eames. An important chapter of Design history presented with some fancy CSS3 effects. Nice!
Spanish vintage posters
More posters, these ones from the National Library of Spain’s archives. They have tons of classic bullfight stuff, but also some interesting advertising posters.
Space Race Posters
This is a series of posters by Justin Van Genderen about the Space Race. They are geeky and beautiful.