September 28, 2024

That WordPress drama

The Verge on that messy WordPress drama

Carlos Cuéllar
Carlos Cuéllar @cuellarfr

Reading time: 1 min

Tags: web tools

Back in the day, almost in a different lifetime, I built websites for small businesses in my little agency in Spain. And we used WordPress, not because it was my favorite CMS (I liked TextPattern better) but because of the huge plugin ecosystem. With time, WordPress basically became Internet infrastructure, powering 43% of all websites active today. That’s a lot, and this whole drama suggests that one of the founders, Matt Mullenweg, wished he would have used a different (and more lucrative) type of license. The rest is just about egos and putting your own interests before WordPress users, which is sad, but it’s not the first time I see this in the open-source community.