Reading time: 1 min
Tags: productivity

In 2010 I was living in an apartment in Valencia and working from home, something not that common back then. But I didn’t like it, at all. My work day wouldn’t end until 6 or 7 or 8 pm, and I decided that working from home wasn’t for me because I needed to put some boundaries between my job and my personal life.
And here we are now, in 2020, in the middle of this horrific pandemic. I’ve been working from home since mid March and I have the feeling this is going to last a long time. Do I love this? Well, not really, but I’m doing a lot better. I have a 9 to 5 schedule that I follow strictly and my productivity has been more than acceptable. The first days were more difficult because I didn’t have a dedicated office room at home, but I ended up with a pretty decent setup… in the laundry room. Let me show you.
I borrowed an LG 34” ultrawide monitor and a Herman Miller Sayl chair from work, and after a bit of tinkering I managed to install a wired internet connection. I also use my Sony MDR-V6 headphones and a cheap webcam that I bought on Amazon because all the Logitech ones are currently sold out. It’s a comfortable spot and that laundry room has great natural lighting. My only issue is having the washing machine and dryer in the background of my zoom calls!